Angel Veza

About > Our Team > Angel Veza

Angel Veza

Director, Innovation Initiatives

Angel Veza serves as ReFED's Director, Innovation Initiatives, working to catalyze the adoption of top food waste solutions. She originally worked in the education field teaching underserved communities. After working with students for seven years, Angel received her Grade Diplome at the French Culinary Institute and worked through New York City’s top restaurants, including Morimoto and two-Michelin starred Atera, and with foodservice companies like Compass Group. During that time, she witnessed the significant amount of food being wasted in the hospitality industry and decided to work with the Food Waste team at World Wildlife Fund. As an expansion of that, she worked in supply chain and led strategic sourcing and procurement with a focus on food waste reduction at Manhatta Restaurant, part of Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group in New York City.

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